There are several types of Thermo Shield filters available, each designed for different purposes:
Rosco Super Heat Shield Filter: This filter is designed to deflect heat from color filters, minimizing the effects of high temperatures. It is used to protect color filters in very hot fixtures, especially when using dark colors such as blues and greens. It should be positioned between the lens and the color filter, allowing space on each side for the escape of heated air.
ThermoShield Heat and Moisture Exchange Filters (HMEFs): These filters are used to protect patients and ventilators from cross-infection and to warm and humidify inspired gases. They are particularly useful in medical settings where maintaining a sterile environment is crucial.
Thermo-Shield Waterproof Coat: This coating is used to protect buildings from UV, moisture, and abrasion. It is applied to roofs to reduce solar heat gain and improve energy efficiency. The coating has a Solar Reflectance Index of 110/99, making it effective for cooling roofs.
Thermoshield Compound: This is a heat-resistant compound used as a heat dam and insulator to protect materials from the effects of heat. It is easy to mold and adhere to surfaces, making it ideal for use as a jigging fixture or insulator for parts to be welded.
Each of these products serves a specific function related to heat protection and management.