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T - Tube E3115S T - Tube E3115S T - Tube E3115S T - Tube E3115S
T - Tube E3115S
T - Tube E3115S T - Tube E3115S T - Tube E3115S

T - Tube E3115S

1450 INR/Piece

Product Details:


T - Tube E3115S Price And Quantity

  • 10 Piece
  • 1450 INR/Piece

Product Description

A T-tube is a T-shaped tube placed in the common bile duct following procedures involving the duct, such as after choledochotomy. T-tubes can also be used for persistent duodenal fistulas, pancreaticoduodenectomies, or hepaticojejunostomy in liver transplantation. T-tubes provide external drainage of bile via a controlled route the original pathology is resolving. T-tubes should not be confused with tracheal tubes or tympanoplasty tubes. This activity reviews the indications, contraindications, and techniques involved in placing T-tubes and highlights the role of the interprofessional team in the care of patients undergoing this procedure.
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