Product Description
Silicon blocksSilicon blocks are available in various purities and are used in different applications. Here are some details about silicon blocks:
- 99% Silicon Blocks: These are available with the product code SI-E-02-BLC. They are priced based on order quantity and come with technical data and safety data sheets.
- 99.9% Silicon Blocks: These blocks have the product code SI-E-03-BLC and are also priced based on order quantity. They include technical data and safety data sheets.
- 99.99% Silicon Blocks: With the product code SI-E-04-BLC, these blocks are priced based on order quantity and come with technical data and safety data sheets.
- 99.999% Silicon Blocks: These blocks, with the product code SI-E-05-BLC, are priced based on order quantity and include technical data and safety data sheets.
Silicon blocks have a theoretical molecular weight of 28.08 and appear as blocks. They have a melting point of 1414 C and a boiling point of 2900 C. The density of silicon blocks is 2330 kg/m³. They are insoluble in water and have a thermal conductivity of 1.49 W/cm/K at 298.2 K.