High flow breathing circuits are designed for both neonates and adults and are used with nasal cannulas. These circuits can supply high flow rates of up to 15, 30, or 60 liters per minute (LPM) to help reduce the work of breathing for patients suffering from hypoxic conditions. They are particularly useful in providing supplemental oxygen and can be adjusted to maintain specific oxygenation levels.
These circuits require sterile water for humidification and must be assembled correctly to prevent obstructions and ensure continuous flow. It is important to monitor the water level and replace the water bag when necessary to avoid interruptions in the humidification process. Additionally, the nasal cannulas used with these circuits must be appropriately sized to ensure effective delivery of the high flow rates without causing discomfort or obstruction to the patient.
High flow oxygen therapy breathing circuits are widely used in critical care settings and have become a first-line therapy for patients with respiratory failure due to their ability to provide high flow rates, humidification, and precise oxygen delive