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Fluoroplastic Partial Prosthesis ( PORP ) Fluoroplastic Partial Prosthesis ( PORP ) Fluoroplastic Partial Prosthesis ( PORP ) Fluoroplastic Partial Prosthesis ( PORP )
Fluoroplastic Partial Prosthesis ( PORP )
Fluoroplastic Partial Prosthesis ( PORP ) Fluoroplastic Partial Prosthesis ( PORP ) Fluoroplastic Partial Prosthesis ( PORP )

Fluoroplastic Partial Prosthesis ( PORP )

1250 INR/Piece

Product Details:


Fluoroplastic Partial Prosthesis ( PORP ) Price And Quantity

  • 10 Piece
  • 1250 INR/Piece

Product Description

To compare audiometric results between the standard total ossicular replacement prosthesis (TORP-S) and a new fat interposition total ossicular replacement prosthesis (TORP-F) in pediatric and adult patients and to assess the complication and the undesirable outcome.

Study design:

This is a retrospective study.


This study included 104 patients who had undergone titanium implants with TORP-F and 54 patients who had undergone the procedure with TORP-S between 2008 and 2013 in our tertiary care centers. The new technique consists of interposing a fat graft between the 4 legs of the universal titanium prosthesis (Medtronic Xomed Inc, Jacksonville, FL, USA) to provide a more stable TORP in the ovale window niche. Normally, this prosthesis is designed to fit on the stapes™ head as a partial ossicular replacement prosthesis.


The postoperative air-bone gap less than 25‰dB for the combined cohort was 69.2% and 41.7% for the TORP-F and the TORP-S groups, respectively. The mean follow-up was 17‰months postoperatively. By stratifying data, the pediatric cohort shows 56.5% in the TORP-F group (n‰=‰52) compared with 40% in the TORP-S group (n‰=‰29). However, the adult cohort shows 79.3% in the TORP-F group (n‰=‰52) compared with 43.75% in the TORP-S group (n‰=‰25). These improvements in hearing were statistically significant. There were no statistically significant differences in the speech discrimination scores. The only undesirable outcome that was statistically different between the 2 groups was the prosthesis displacement: 7% in the TORP-F group compared with 19% in the TORP-S group (P‰=‰.03).


The interposition of a fat graft between the legs of the titanium implants (TORP-F) provides superior hearing results compared with a standard procedure (TORP-S) in pediatric and adult populations because of its better stability in the oval window niche.

Keywords: TORP, PORP, ossicular chain, ossicular replacement, hearing loss, conductive, total, partial

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